While removing an incisor may be quick and simple (some even do it with a string and a door), removing wisdom teeth is a bit harder. Wisdom teeth are usually deeply rooted that typical forceps aren't enough to remove them. This means that the post-operative care after a wisdom tooth removal surgery is also a little different from that of a typical tooth extraction. Here are some of the basic steps:

Bleeding is normal but if it keeps going for 24 hours, call the dentist right away. However, the easiest way to deal with bleeding gum is to gently bite on a gauze pad. Do not lie down flat as this will prolong the bleeding and with it the healing process. Eat soft foods until your gums are strong enough to take on hard ones.

The dentist might stitch the gum area where the tooth was extracted depending on the size of the wound. It may take some time for the stitched area to completely heal so be careful not to move it with your tongue. Do not use straw for few days to prevent aggravating the wound or cutting the stitch open.

If you want the wound to heal fast, do not smoke for a couple of weeks. The nicotine in cigars can potentially reduce the speed of blood clotting, causing the wound to stay fresh a lot longer than normal.

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