When you have a poorly positioned tooth or an impacted one, oral surgery might be needed to prevent further dental damage. Placement of dental implants and gum treatment also require oral surgery. The post-treatment experience can be accompanied by a lot of pain, often requiring safe analgesics to alleviate the discomfort. Aside from immediately taking the pain medication right after surgery, it is also important to observe a few precautions that may speed up the healing process.

Lying down on the day of your surgery is not advisable due to the increased blood pressure in your head from such a position, so you have to prop your head up with a pillow to help control bleeding. To reduce swelling, ice packs can be applied on the appropriate cheek. You should also stick to a liquid diet during the first two days, and a soft diet once the bleeding stops. Foods to consider include mashed potatoes, fruit milkshakes, yogurt and soup. It is also important to keep your mouth clean at all times, especially after eating your meals. A day after the procedure, you can rinse your mouth with warm salt water to keep the surgical area must be free of food debris to avoid bacteria build-up.

Most importantly, you have to follow a balanced diet. A good meal consisting of foods such as fruits and vegetables can help in the healing process. Vitamin C supplements can also help expedite your recovery.

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