If you are set out to undergo dental surgery, there are some things that you have to prepare beforehand, particularly since some dental sedation techniques might leave you dazed and out of sorts for quite a while. Consult with your dental professional to know the steps you should take before going into the surgery room.

Call a friend, and make arrangements for him to drive you to and from your appointment. Never drive after the surgery if you had been administered strong anesthesia, since this could severely impair your reaction time. In some cases, public transportation may be an option, but it's still best if you have someone taking you home.

Ask your dental surgeon if he will administer an intravenous sedative or general anesthesia. If he will, you shouldn't take any food or drink (even water is off the table) at least eight hours before the operation. If it only requires local anesthetic, you can eat light an hour or so before your surgery.

Wear something that you won't mind being stained or ruined, but make sure that it's comfortable, short-sleeved and loose-fitting as well. Keep from wearing contact lenses or any type of make up during the surgery.

Visit your grocery store beforehand, and stock up on soft foods like oatmeal, rice, and other items that require minimal chewing. You should also stay away from spicy or acidic foods a few weeks into the post-surgery recovery.

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